Thursday, April 27, 2017
Friday, August 28, 2015
Smooth sailing so far...
Monday, November 3, 2014
Stuff my kids say...
One of the many things I LOVE about homeschooling is catching my kids say funny things. I love that we can laugh through out the day. I especially love Noah's sarcastic wit and Caitlyn's unintentional funny lines that she is humble enough to laugh about. For instance, today Caitlyn was working on a word problem in math and she commented, "Saliva? What kind of name is Saliva? (reading more closely) Sy...Sy...Sylvia?" (giggling) "Oh, Sylvia, that makes more sense!" A good laugh by all ensued.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Charlotte Mason would have been proud...
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
I have been encouraged to blog more...
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Our Maryland Adventure...
Monday, December 2, 2013
Important FlipShare Service Update
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
Ode to Murph or Reflections on Easter
For the last few days I have been trying to wrap my mind around the death of my friend, just like the other family and friends of Jennifer Marie Murphy Martz. It feels inconceivable that this beautiful friend, daughter, woman, mother should not be in the world anymore. As I pondered this reality, I was struck by a verse from Romans 12:2.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good and pleasing and perfect will."
I believe with all my heart that Murph (that was her nickname) was one of the transformed, and not patterned of this world. She was not perfect, as God does not expect perfection from us. He simply wants us to seek his will for our lives through study, prayer, worship and action. She certainly did all of these things. You can see the fruits of her endeavors simply by looking at her children. I cannot speak to all the ways she blessed her church, her community, her family as I didn't know her in those capacities, although every time I spoke with her after the birth of her children she gushed about them and I could tell they were the loves of her life. I can only reminisce on my own memories of her and how she touched my life.
The first time I met Murph was on January 11, 1992, our bid day at Southwestern University. Like me, she ran out into the courtyard of the dorms to a mass of happily singing sisters. We had just finished rush week and had made our selections as well as the sororities had made theirs. We were greeted with shouts and cheers as we indicated that we would accept an ADPi bid and become a part of that sorority. I knew a few of the girls in my pledge class, but had never met some of them. Little did I know that some of those sisters pledging with me that day would change my life forever. Jennifer Murphy was one of those sisters. One thing that drew me to her right away was her ability to laugh. We had so many tasks ahead of us that semester, with learning all we could about the sorority so that we could become full members, not to mention classes still! Study hours and meals together were strongly encouraged so we saw LOTS of each other. I can remember many meals in the upstairs commons with her just laughing and laughing. She took the role of "big sister" to everyone in our class very quickly. Having trouble in a class? Chat with Murph. Bad break up with a boyfriend? Go cry with Murph. Advice on who to ask to such and such event? Seek counsel with Murph. Struggling with spiritual issues? Pray with Murph. She was always that girl that made you feel so special and so important when you were with her. I never remember her being to busy to spend time with any of us.
I can remember distinctly the day that she told me she was going to study abroad for a semester. I couldn't imagine SU without Murph. I moped the whole semester, I think. I knew she was having a wonderful time, from her letters, but I counted down the days until she returned. I can remember her coming to surprise me in my dorm room. We hugged and danced and screamed as we rejoiced! Then I had a startling moment a few nights later, when I heard a knock at my door and in walked Murph with a very large pair of scissors in her hand. "If you don't cut my hair RIGHT NOW," she said, "I am going to cut it myself!" Evidently, she had not had a haircut the whole semester abroad and she was at the breaking point with it. I assured her that she was making a terrible mistake. I had long STRAIGHT hair and I had no idea how to even begin to brush curly hair, much less cut it! I warned her that I had never cut anyone's hair before, not even my own bangs. I tried to talk her into waiting the next day, as I had a good salon to recommend, but she would not relent and I could tell she meant business, so into the bathroom we went. I cut her hair to the best of my abilities and the next day we both laughed hysterically when someone complimented her on her new haircut. She never asked me to cut her hair again, but we both just knew I had saved her from a very bad self cut!
We spent many nights hanging out at the Pike house together. She was so encouraging to me when I started dating a boy named Chris. She assured me that he was a great guy and that he would NOT break my heart. She was so wise. Four years later, she watched as I married that guy. I couldn't imagine making our vow before God without her there to celebrate with us. She and Walt brought their new little baby, Jorden, who stole everyone's heart!
Murph was always the pioneer in our group. She was the first to get married, first to have a baby, first to own a minivan. Even after college, she continued in the big sister roll, talking me through each new life step. She called me with news of each new pregnancy. We celebrated this new role that she was moving into as a mother. I can remember when I found out I was pregnant with my first baby. A call to Murph was one of the first I made. That was one of our longest phone conversations as I wanted her to tell me "everything!" She assured me that pregnancy and delivery would be fine and that I would make a great mom. That was just what I needed to hear at that time. There were a couple of years that followed in which we lost touch. I think we both were going through difficult times and neither one of us had the emotional energy to reach out to anyone. I wish we had lived closer. Her shoulders would have caught my tears many a night and mine would have done likewise for her. Although we were not close in proximity and we only talked a few times a year, I knew that if I ever really needed her, my "big sister" would be there for me, to chat with me to advise me, to pray with me.
When I heard of her upcoming surgery, I immediately called her. She did not have a chance to call me back that day, but texted me later that night. the next day as I texted her back I assured her that I would be praying for her and thinking of her as she went through surgery. I waited a couple of days after the surgery and sent my dad over to visit her. If I could not be there to see her, I sent the next best thing! She was sleeping, but my dad had a nice chat with her mom. The next week as I was preparing to get gift cards to restaurants for her family I just felt like I should call her. I felt sure that I would talk to her mom as she was probably resting. To my surprise she answered the phone. It was so good to hear her voice. We chatted for a moment and then I asked her if I could pray with her. She just exhaled deeply and said, "That would be GREAT." I prayed for complete healing of her body and peace for her and her family. Right before I was about to close the prayer, the Holy Spirit prompted me to to thank God for her friendship, and for the many ways she had blessed my life. I can't explain in words how precious that memory will always be for me as I had the opportunity to tell her how much she meant to me and my life. When I woke up the next morning and learned the shocking news of her death, I cried out to God in my own grief and for the grief of her precious family. Many hours have, and will be spent in prayer for her family.
This time of Lent is always a thoughtful time for me. For those of us who have accepted Christ Jesus as our savior, we are reminded that our everlasting life has not come without a price. Although we will one day be rejoicing with the angels, the suffering must be first. I march on toward Holy Week with a foreboding feeling in my heart. I know what is coming for the Savior. I feel the cross looming. There are things about this I will never God could love me so much that he would allow his son to suffer and die for me. How those who claimed to love Him, rejected Him. How black and dark it all seemed in the end. Somehow, though, after the darkness, Easter always comes. No matter how many times I ponder these events or hear the story, Jesus always leaves the tomb and Easter comes. No matter how my heart is saddened by His suffering and death, Easter comes. No matter how sinful the world gets, Easter comes. No matter how much my soul cries out for strength and healing, understanding of that which is not understandable, Easter comes.
My prayer for us right now is that although we are, like Mary, standing at the tomb amid our confusion and pain over what has happened, the Lord will remind us that Easter comes. Easter comes. For Jennifer Marie Murphy Martz, our beautiful sister, loyal friend, loving daughter, and devoted mother, Easter has come.
And in my soul the quiet voice of the angel whispers to me, "She is not here. The tomb is empty. Easter has come."
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Thank you, Geico...
I just wanted to give a shout out of thanks to Geico for their latest commercial. (See above.) My kids laugh hysterically at this commercial EVERY time it comes on. Their favorite scene is the end one with the boy and the cereal. In fact, they love it so much, we have been creating our own scenerios with the same premise.
My current favorites are:
-Morgan (our dog) begins to go to the bathroom on the floor of the living room and in scoots DM and slaps him away saying, "Not in my house."
-It is Aiden's birthday and all the kids are lined up waiting for their turn to hit the pinata and in scoots DM and slaps the pinata down scattering all the candy. Kids are stunned for a moment and then proceed to grab candy.
We have come up with tons of follow-up commercials if anyone at Geico is interested:)
Just love laughing with my kiddos. Makes me realize why I love hanging out with them so much. Any tension is always forgotten with the slap of a hand (DM, not mine, ha ha).
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My precious, precious Aiden...
The other night we watched Frankenweinie, a quirky movie about the Frankenstein family whose son loses a beloved dog in an accident, then revives him from the dead a la Mary Shelley style. But, in true Disney fashion, the dog stays alive and everyone lives happily ever after. I did think it was a cute movie with several allusions to the original story, but I just felt the ending was a little silly. I really wanted the boy to see the error of his ways and let his little dog "rest in peace", but maybe I am just reading a little too much into a cute movie. I did playfully ask the kids who they would bring back (meaning pets that has passed). Of course you can guess who Noah chose, Addie. I quickly responded I would bring back my Icy-dog, and Chris said maybe Deputy or Argus (his childhood dogs). Then I hear Aiden's little voice calling from the bathroom where he was taking a "pit stop", and he says, "I would bring back Emily." So very precious. So sweet to know that he values the sister that he has never had the chance to meet.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A shopping excursion...
First, we went to Gymboree, as I had some gymbucks to spend. We were in there a bit longer than I had anticipated, as there were quite a few orange items and Aiden wanted them all. I wanted to make sure to get all the kids an outfit. So, I ended up getting: Caitlyn - two sweaters, three shirts, a skirt, and hair clips. Aiden - two shirts, pants, hat and sun glasses. Noah - a sweatshirt, and a hat. For all of that, I paid only $58! So excited to get all of those savings. I was more excited, however, when Noah told me, "Mommy, are we about to go, I am really getting uncomfortable." I am constantly amazed at how much progress he has made. I know he is getting older, but I can just remember the days of tantrums and explosions, and then I thought, "is this ever going to end." I can now say he does 100x better at regulating himself and his sensory input, so that I don't have to! Such a big accomplishment! So, after Gymboree, we went to the crocs store. I got two pairs of crocs and two jibbits for $31! Again, yea for the bargain! We then proceeded to Target, as I had promised them they could spend some/all of their Christmas money. We took a pit stop at Krispy Kreme, and then on to Target. Caitlyn was a little sad that she had already spent her money the week before. After much deliberation, Aiden and Noah selected their items, so off to the check out stand we went. But, before we got very far, Noah said,"Wait, Mommy, I want to get Caitlyn something." He assured me he had enough money saved from his allowance to get her something. So the delighted Caitlyn bounced off to select her item. I was really I impressed by Noah's desire to include his sister in this happiness and that he spent his hard earned money on something for her! I told Caitlyn she should really be thankful for the brothers she was given, because mine would not only have NOT gotten me something, but they probably would have taunted me on the way out. The kids and I had a good laugh at that. So, went headed home and everyone was happy! Shopping trip...success!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Learning to fingerknit!
Now, before you envision me as Charlotte Mason herself, please know that I got this idea from pinterest! I guess you could think of me as the 21st century version of Charlotte Mason, ha ha!
Getting behinder and behinder...
We had so many wonderful visitors in the month of October and November that I have now found myself at that precarious state known as...behind. Now, I know that seems like a strange thought to my homeschooling friends. "Behind whom?" you might ask. Well, I guess I am simply behind where I wanted us to be at this time. Every year I start out with the greatest intentions to adhere to my chosen curriculum, but every year about this time, I start to feel confined by thus curriculum. So, inevitably I scrap the curriculum for a while, only to return to it in spring, without completing it totally by the end of the school year. I think the problem for me lies in my need for freedom. I want to be free to study whatever might come up. That is what I adore about homeschooling. I feel that education is so much more meaningful to the student when related in a relevent way to that student. When it is Christmas time I want to be doing Advent studies and baking bread to share with the neighbors, and making home-made Christmas gifts. I guess I have yet to find a curriculum that gives such freedoms, except unit studies. I guess that is why our beloved Five in a Row curriculum worked so well for us. It gave us the freedom to pick and choose what we wanted to study and when we want to study it. I had hoped that Exploring Countries and Cultures would give us that same sense of freedom, but it is still feeling a bit confining. I will keep working at it though, because I do see the strength in it, but I am still longing for that simplicity that I had with FIAR. Maybe this gives me points to ponder as I look ahead to next year...until then I am just going to keep pressing on. I will take time to smell the flowers, as they say, bake the bread, and enjoy this amazing journey that God has ordained for us...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Noah enjoying THE HOBBIT...
In preparation for the upcoming movies Noah is reading THE HOBBIT and I am reading ANNA KARENINA. These are first readability for both of us. I am really enjoying AK, although I am not a fan of the some of the characters actions. Gaining insight into the mind of someone opposite of myself. I love it when characters don't behave the way I want them to. It provides for an interesting inner dialogue!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wow, sometimes I really impress myself...
So last night I was poking around a bit in blogger, trying to remember how to do all the things that I once knew how to do when I was regularly writing this blog. I had once been able to post things by mailing from my iPhone, but hadn't done that in ages. So, after about 10 minutes I figured out how to set up a mobile blog and merge it with my existing blog! Success! I am not nearly as tech savy as those who are having a blog carnival (whatever that means), or those posting crazy ideas to pinterest, but at least now I can update on the go! Maybe now this little blog won't be so forgotten! Cheers!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The cute little buggers...
I love them, I love them not, I love them, I love them not...
So, today was my breaking point...I had HAD it with the accidents, with the escapism. I was DONE! I am sure I told the kids a thousad times that we were just going to have to take the dogs back to the rescue (I'm sure there will be therapy about that later). I have just felt so taxed lately with all of my duties PLUS puppies acting badly. Okay, they are just puppies...and cute ones at that, but I swear if someone had come by the house today inquiring about pups, I would have handed them both over with all their supplies without another thought. The problem is that I have these three little kids that have to have that doggy goodness of childhood...sigh...I guess I will just have to pray for yet another miracle, that I don't completely loose my mind until they stop all the aggravating puppy behaviors. Oh, and we are getting an in-ground fence :) My friend Ashley (our friendly Petco manager, love her) assures us that after two days, they will NEVER go past that fence again. So, that is the plan...hopefully, all will be well by my next post, which, at the rate I'm going will be sometime next year...ha ha. I know I have been MIA from this blog for a while. I kept waiting to feel really good and settled here in P'cola before I really started writing. Now after a year and a half, I think I am there, maybe half-way there...
Till next time...
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Really? Seriously?
Some things are just too good to be true, you know? I mean, how do these homeschooling moms of 2+ have the time to have a perfectly organized home, perfectly organized homeschool; where they make their own bread, and games for their kids and have a part-time sewing business. It seems impossible, or highly unlikely at least. I can't seem to get it together enough to get every subject done during the day, not to mention clean my house and cook dinner. Now, before I get hateful comments from all the Homemaker Hollys out there, let me just say that I know that there are those who are VERY organized and who pride themselves on keeping everything neat and tidy. But sometimes I see posts and pictures from people that make me go, "Really? That is REALLY what your pantry/playroom/bedroom/schoolroom looks like? Like a magazine spread?" I just feel sometimes with the internet we have the option of putting our best face forward, when really I think people hunger for people to be real with them. I remember looking at some of the magazine ads of the SUPER skinny models and thinking I could never be like that. I remember thinking that my life was never what it seemed like from shows on TV. I think the same way about the internet and sometimes I think that we need to be very careful not to present ourselves as perfect, because we are not. I also don't want to develop this disconnect between the way my life REALLY is and the way my life is portrayed on my blog. I do like to remember the good times, and write about special things that touch me during the day, but I don't want to ever make anyone wonder if I am some sort supermom. I am not perfect or anything close. I am a sinful, prideful, selfish, woman who prays to be better, minute by minute. You may see my sweet projects, or my cute children and wonder what the true me is like. I'll tell you: I am tragicly flawed in more ways than I can count and if it were not for my precious Savior, I would be NOTHING, NOTHING, I tell you. He allows me to show my real side, scars and all, because it is Him who gives me strength. (I'm still waiting for Him to bless me with talent to get "everything" done!) I hope that you enjoy the things you read or see here, but please bear in mind, that even though I sometimes seem really put-together (maybe I don't, I don't know...) I am just another person doing her best with what's she's been given. I try to live up to the dreams that God has for me and be true to him and myself in the process.
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
American history for us...
Which Way USA?
We are rolling along with the other parts of our curriculum. By the end of this week Noah will be right on track with his math. I think that is a record for us. Caitlyn is doing great, learning subtraction and working on learning to read. Aiden is a tornado. I can't keep enough activities on hand for him. He blows through everything. Chris' parents got the kids a trampoline for Christmas, that should help everyone with getting out the energy we all have!
I'm trying to come up with creative ways that we can organize (read "throw stuff away without the kids knowing") our school room. I have so much stuff that HAS to go. I also am a little sad to get rid of some of the pre-school stuff, but Aiden has far advanced the colors and shapes items, so I guess they will have to find a new home, sigh...
By the way, Noah will be setting up a new blog soon. It will be a private blog, so if you'd like to be included, let me know. Also, we would love to have other homeschoolers to follow as well, so if your homeschooler blogs, just let us know!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Thoughts on the new year...
Blessings Y'all!
Friday, December 23, 2011
What we've been up to...
We traveled to Houston for Thanksgiving and then decided that we just couldn't make another TX trip before the end of the year, which was bittersweet for us. It was great thinking about being home for Christmas, but alas, Pensacola is not home. So, we enjoyed being with Granddaddy and Grandmommy for a while. We shopped and went to see the new Muppet movie. I got sentimental and shed a few tears while Kermit transported me back to my pre-teen life with his Rainbow Connection. There is just something beautiful about frogs strumming guitars, singing about rainbows, you have to admit.
December has just been a push toward Christmas, unfortunately. I wanted a peaceful Advent season, but that isn't really how it has been. I'm not sure why I've felt so anxious, maybe because I'm unsure of how Christmas will be without the traveling, or maybe this semester hasn't exactly worked out how I thought it should. So, I guess I will just try to wait as patiently as I can for God to move in our new lives here. I can tell He is working on the internal part of our family, just not so much the external part. (And if you know me, you know waiting for that part is very difficult for me!) I am remaining faithful to the promise that God made in Joshua, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you" and learning how to appear patient even when my insides are telling me, "WHAT is going on here???"
I will say that we did have a rockin' Christmas party! It is the first time I can remember hosting a party and it was a rousing success. I could hear Melissa's voice telling me that I had a gift for hospitality and it really showed that night. We had Chris' co-workers over and had a TX style spread complete with taco bar and home-made salsa! We had a few great rounds of rockband on the Wii and then completed the night with a HILARIOUS dance off between Caitlyn and a giant guy to a Katy Perry song. I was laughing so hard that I forgot to get it on video or I totally would post it here for all to enjoy. It was a fun group and a great time. Glad we did it. Will do it again.
Then, last weekend we had an awesome Saturday with our friends Melissa and B and R. OH. MY. GOSH, I can't tell you how happy it made me to see the kids skipping and running and laughing with their good buddies. Melissa said R's heart was happy, and boy mine was too. I will post pics as soon as I get them off the camera. We all decided that our next meet-up would have to involve a hotel stay so we could hang longer. We met half-way in Gulfport, Mississippi at the childrens' museum. It was a little juvenile for the "big" boys, but they endured it with lots of Beyblades and chatter. Aiden vacillated between the boys and the girls and only told me once that there was "nutting to do", which is typical retort when he is tired!
I would love to say that we had gotten through our curriculum gloriously this semester, but it seems that transition always takes more time than I expect. Although, it is going pretty smoothly. This month we have enjoyed many Christmas crafts which I'll post pics of soon.
I hope that this post finds all of my readers well and blessed, even the hacker who insists he needs my help in transferring millions of dollars. I hope he finds a good place for his millions, even if it isn't in my bank account. I am looking forward to celebrating the birth of the Christ child tomorrow and the day after. I hope that my kids remember Jesus amid all the presents and wrappings. I hope I will too...
Blessings friends.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wow, November!
Noah is moving right along in 5th grade. We have made some changes in curriculum this year (yes, yes, I know what you're thinking). These changes have been great for Noah. We FINALLY came around to Singapore math. Why didn't I listen sooner? It is the perfect fit for us. I have a teacher's manual that helps me teach and Noah has a variety of different exercises to learn the concepts. Perfect fit. Can I say it again, perfect fit. I like the way it sounds. I think I'll stick with this one! For history and language arts we are using a Sonlight/My Father's World hybrid. Noah is too advanced for the Adventures program that I selected, so I have managed to meld the program with Sonlight D+E for a challenging and full program. We are pretty much following both programs, with the exception of other fun tidbits that the kids or I find interesting. Right now we are doing an in-depth study of American Indians (or Native Americans). It is going slowly, but it has been really fun. I am basing our study off of the Evan Moor Native Americans History Pocket. All the little crafty things are right up Caitlyn's alley, and they hit some essential fine motor skills that Noah really needs work on. He has been reading about a novel a week, with some overflow. The thing I love about Sonlight is that it really doesn't give a bunch of Mickey Mouse exercises to check comprehension. I always hated those book report sheets that I had to fill out when I was in school. I have done a variety of things with Noah to check his comprehension. Sometimes I just quiz him with some of the questions. Sometimes I pull out a quote and ask him to tell me what is happening in the scene. I used to quiz my 9th graders with quotes when they would do outside reading. I think the most effective exercise, though, has been my using The Arrow, by Bravewriter. The Arrow is a language arts magazine that is put out monthly, I think. I was able to buy "back issues" through Homeschool Buyers Co-op, so I just picked up a few that matched up with the Sonlight novels (geneous, I know). I am alternating days of the Arrow passages with The Phonetic Zoo and Evan Moor's Daily Language Review. I've found that alternating grammar and writing is the best for us. For science, I will admit, I'm failing...I had every intention of creating this wonderfully rich science experience for Noah, but it just ain't happenin'. So, we are doing weekly interest based research topics and he is working with Caitlyn in REAL Science Odyssey Life. He is still learning, but just not at a rigorous pace that I had hoped. I guess I am just trying to figure out how to really teach two different levels at once.
Caitlyn is doing great with Adventures in My Father's World. I have been watering it down some by just using picture books about the topic at hand. We are still using Explode the Code for phonics as well as some scholastic ebooks that I ordered during their dollar sale. I also am using some readers by Abeka. I'm not totally happy with this combo, but it just came down to the fact that I didn't want to spend more money on curriculum. She is also using Singapore for math, with a splash of Miquon. I mostly use the cuisenaire rods to teach the concepts when the Singapore teacher manual calls for a manipulative. Since we used Miquon last year, Caitlyn is very comfortable with the rods. I still say that Miquon gave her a way to "see" math, in a way that I was never able to.
Aiden is mainly playing with Little People and playing apps on the iPad. I really am amazed at what the iPad technology can get the kids to do. It really does just invite the kids to perform activities that my oldest would NEVER have done at 3. Aiden can identify all of his letters and most of the letter sounds as well as write some of his letters. I think the games on the ipad have helped him tremendously.
Other than those things, we don't really have anything else to report. We are trying to get connected in various things, some success, some fail. We're just plugging along...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Year of the FROG...
One of my fondest memories of our time in Pensacola was our nightly frog count. Each night Noah and I would go out to our front porch and count the little tree frogs on our overhang, devouring the mosquitos. We loved those little guys. Our highest count ever was 19, can you imagine? It was a whole family! We loved that time together so much, counting those frogs, me and my one child, little three-year-old, Noah. I also thought about another special time with frogs, last year during VBS. We were doing a camping type theme and we were raising money for a charity with our offerings. The best part of the week, though, is that we set a goal for the week, and if we met that goal, we were going to make the chaplain kiss a frog. It was awesome, the kids really got into it. We decided that our unofficial theme for the week was that we were learning to Fully Rely On God, or FROG! Cute, huh?
I think that God was bringing these sweet memories to me to highlight the fact that our little class really does have some work in the "relying on Him" department. With our transition and our changes, we really do have to rely on Him, because we have nothing else...We've been stripped of our security blankets (family and friends). I find that a time such as this is the perfect time to return to the security of His arms and know that not matter what the problem is...we can RELY on HIM!!!!
Night before last I happened upon a package of letters that Chris had saved. You know how it is when you move, there's just no telling what the packers could have unearthed in the depths of your junk. Well, this night I found letters. I had written them to Chris at a VERY difficult time in our lives, just after we lost our sweet Emily. Chris was away at OIS and Noah and I were at home dealing as best as we could. The part of the letter that I thought was most interesting was my sentiment that I wanted to love Noah intentionally each day. I didn't want a day to go by without him feeling my love. After you suffer a loss, you are often left the with the acute awareness of the fragility of life. Within that awareness you have the desparate need to live life to the fullest. Part of that fullness is making sure that my family know where I stand with them. I want to make sure that each of my children feel the fullness of my love. I find it so ironic that I should find such a letter the day after I create a sobbing mess of a ten year old over his messy room. Now, before you go down the, "loving means discipline" road, I know that I must instill certain values in my children. I know it is important to create order and cleanliness. I just should have gone about it in a different way. I should have been more loving.
So glad that we all have already learned so much, and it is only Monday...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Our new notebooking strategy...
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Rush of Angels Wings...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Caitlyn: iLiveMath Test Results
Number of Questions: 2
Correctly Answered: 0
Incorrectly Answered: 1
Unanswered: 1
Correct: 0%
Incorrect: 50%
Unanswered: 50%
Question 1:
A Chinese zoo feeds pandas at 3:00 PM and it takes them 3 hours to feed. What time did they finish?
3:00 PM + 3 hours = 6:00 PM
You need to spin to pick an answer and tap 'Done'.
Incorrect Answer: 8
Question 2:
Tourists started photographing Sarus cranes at 1:11 PM and completed at 1:19 PM. How many minutes have passed?
1:19 PM - 1:11 PM = 8 minutes
(c) 2010 iHome Educator
Sent from my iPhone
Number of Questions: 2
Correctly Answered: 0
Incorrectly Answered: 1
Unanswered: 1
Correct: 0%
Incorrect: 50%
Unanswered: 50%
Question 1:
A zoologist in India saw 7 Sarus cranes last week and 2 this week. What is the sum?
7 + 2 = 9
Question 2:
The pandas expedition started at 6 o'clock PM and completed in 2 hours. What time did the tour complete?
6:00 PM + 2 hours = 8:00 PM
Incorrect Answer: 4
(c) 2010 iHome Educator
Sent from my iPhone
Number of Questions: 2
Correctly Answered: 0
Incorrectly Answered: 1
Unanswered: 1
Correct: 0%
Incorrect: 50%
Unanswered: 50%
Question 1:
A zoologist in India saw 7 Sarus cranes last week and 2 this week. What is the sum?
7 + 2 = 9
Question 2:
The pandas expedition started at 6 o'clock PM and completed in 2 hours. What time did the tour complete?
6:00 PM + 2 hours = 8:00 PM
Incorrect Answer: 4
(c) 2010 iHome Educator
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, February 18, 2011
I am so excited I can hardly stand it...

My kids and I are anxiously awaiting the new All About Reading program to come out. They had a little sample unit that you could do as a preview and my littles LOVED it. Caitlyn and Aiden both participated, so that gave me the idea of actually using it for both of them for next year. Caitlyn is doing well with her phonograms, but still needs more practice with them. She is recognizing initial sounds, but is still having some trouble with final sounds. Overall she's doing quite well with phonics, but reading still hasn't quite clicked with her. Here is a picture to tempt you like it did me, when I saw it on the AAR forum at the chatterbee...
Now maybe you will await it with me!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Caitlyn's project...