Some things are just too good to be true, you know? I mean, how do these homeschooling moms of 2+ have the time to have a perfectly organized home, perfectly organized homeschool; where they make their own bread, and games for their kids and have a part-time sewing business. It seems impossible, or highly unlikely at least. I can't seem to get it together enough to get every subject done during the day, not to mention clean my house and cook dinner. Now, before I get hateful comments from all the Homemaker Hollys out there, let me just say that I know that there are those who are VERY organized and who pride themselves on keeping everything neat and tidy. But sometimes I see posts and pictures from people that make me go, "Really? That is REALLY what your pantry/playroom/bedroom/schoolroom looks like? Like a magazine spread?" I just feel sometimes with the internet we have the option of putting our best face forward, when really I think people hunger for people to be real with them. I remember looking at some of the magazine ads of the SUPER skinny models and thinking I could never be like that. I remember thinking that my life was never what it seemed like from shows on TV. I think the same way about the internet and sometimes I think that we need to be very careful not to present ourselves as perfect, because we are not. I also don't want to develop this disconnect between the way my life REALLY is and the way my life is portrayed on my blog. I do like to remember the good times, and write about special things that touch me during the day, but I don't want to ever make anyone wonder if I am some sort supermom. I am not perfect or anything close. I am a sinful, prideful, selfish, woman who prays to be better, minute by minute. You may see my sweet projects, or my cute children and wonder what the true me is like. I'll tell you: I am tragicly flawed in more ways than I can count and if it were not for my precious Savior, I would be NOTHING, NOTHING, I tell you. He allows me to show my real side, scars and all, because it is Him who gives me strength. (I'm still waiting for Him to bless me with talent to get "everything" done!) I hope that you enjoy the things you read or see here, but please bear in mind, that even though I sometimes seem really put-together (maybe I don't, I don't know...) I am just another person doing her best with what's she's been given. I try to live up to the dreams that God has for me and be true to him and myself in the process.
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
~Traditional Gaelic blessing~
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