Sunday, September 6, 2009

First post of my new blog...

Well, I've been trying to do better at documentation these days. This year I am tracking attendance for our homeschool, as well as keeping lists of books that the kids read for school and pleasure. I am also trying better to keep a record of Noah's grades. Texas doesn't require anything in the way of records, but I need to be in practice in case we move to a state that does require records. I also want to be in the practice of keeping a record of our everyday life. I recently read a blog entry by Steve Lambert (of Five in a Row - the curriculum we use), that encouraged homeschooling moms to keep a record of some sort; whether it be journal, blog or the like, of the daily happenings of our school. His post really made me start thinking about my lonely little homeschooling blog and made me want to pick blogging back up again. I can just print out my blog and keep a copy for the kids to read someday. For you see, the little moments are the beauty of homeschooling. I get to see my kids be silly with each other. I get to see the light bulb in their little heads go off. I get to teach them to read. How lucky am I! I want them to know what a blessing all of these little moments are to me! So, today is a new day. (Okay, it is really night, but you get the picture.) I am starting afresh with blogging. I am committing to making it better. I am dedicating time to keeping record of the beautiful little moments of our lives together. I know this life is fleeting. I know there are only blink-of-an-eye moments and then our precious ones are all grown up. I know that we must count our blessings daily!

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