Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yesterday Part 1...

Well, I didn't anticipate being at Brooks City Base in San Antonio,
but today we learned a very valuable life lesson: Sometimes it
rains. Yesterday we spent hiking, rock climbing, and wading/soaking
in the river and anticipating another full day. Last night we had a
nice camp in (we cooked over the fire; but Noah was having a
particularly tough time with the flies, so we ate in the Rv - I guess
that is one blessing of the Rv!). We played some games before our
cook out. Noah, Aiden and I played the most precious game of hide and
seek you've ever seen. When it was Noah's turn to count, Aiden would
put his hands over his eyes too!

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Pardon the technical difficulties...

Aiden hit the send button on accident. I'll have to finish that
thought when I get more time. We are heading home tomorrow. Hope the
rain doesn't wake the kids tonight!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well, day two was both a success and a failure...

Day two was met with great anticipation and anxiety. There are so
many "might happen" things that you have to prepare for, thar

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Monday, October 19, 2009

For those of you who don't already know...

We're off on our first camping adventure as a family of five. We
rented an RV and are enjoying Pedernales Falls State Park. More
updates later...

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Day one and we're already appreciating the scenery...

Look at all thar goodness...

Aiden feeds Noah some pie

Noah and Aiden sharing the chocolate cream pie...

Mmmmm pie...

We had to stop at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls, TX for some
pie. Ohhh it was good!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Making the most of today...

We have been visiting with my family this week in north Texas. The
cooler weather sure has been a blessing. Our plan was to go to the
state fair in Dallas, which we did, but it didn't turn our exactly as
we thought it might. We had a downpour that day which lead us to the
science museum. We had a great time there. The older kids and Pap-pa
took in an Imax film on dinosaurs while Aiden and I played in the
kids' section in the basement. After that we went back out to the
fair and we played some of the games and each of the kids won a
prize. Caitlyn won a pink "catuar" which has been glued to her hands
since then! Today we are planning to have pictures made. We'll see
if that actually happens! But, I've had something else on my mind
today. I've been thinking about how blessed we are to be close enough
to the grandparents to share these moments with them. Whether it be a
TKD belt test, the rodeo, or a birthday, we've been able to enjoy them
together. Thank you to the Navy for that! But more than the
proximity is our comittment to enjoy the important relationships and
make the most of every day. You see there are MANY things that can
fill our days and times, but making the most of every day means
filling your day with the things in life that REALLY matter. I hope
and pray that we can continue to instill this basic principle in the
kids so they focus on the really important aspects of life-
relationship with Jesus, family, then everything/everyone else!

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More dragonfly action

Noah and Caitlyn studying a dragonfly...

They watched and sketched it, but it flew away before we could snap a
good pic of it! It's a good thing that we have their drawings!

Noah's drawing of a dragonfly.

Caitlyn's drawing of a dragonfly.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some days I'm just spinning my wheels, but then some days...

-Cook, wash, clean, teach, diaper, clean, diaper, repeat.
-Cook, wash, clean, teach, diaper, clean, diaper, repeat.
-Cook, wash, clean, teach, diaper, clean, diaper, repeat.
There are times that my day feels like this. Sometimes I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round that just spins faster and faster until I feel queasy in the pit of my stomach. Then, there are days, like today, when I slow down and enjoy this homeschooling journey. Today I slowed down enough to have a nice chat with Noah about why he loves the game Spore so much. I told him that I thought he really enjoys the creative aspect of it and that I think he got his crave for creativity from his mommy. I can so understand the need to have that creative outlet. We (Noah and I) are wired that way. Creative expression, for us, is akin to breathing. Without the proper outlet we feel stifled, stilted, settled, a little too much so. It was so nice for both of us to realize how much alike we are. We had mutual understanding today…priceless. The opportunity for our little chat is just one of the myriad of reasons I love homeschooling. Would I have been able to have that chat with him, had he been away at school all day? Maybe. We may have had this chat in the afternoon after he got home from school. Weekends may have provided another opportunity. But, I love the fact that I have so much time to REALLY get to know him, to figure him out, to explore his personality with him, beside him. It’s days like today that I feel like the luckiest mom in the world. Another wonderful moment happened later this afternoon when we were working on some art projects. We have been reading The Giraffe that Walked to Paris and so we were creating some paper giraffes. Caitlyn selected a jointed giraffe and Noah selected a different one. Noah usually complains about too much coloring or cutting (I know it is difficult for him), and at one point he was getting frustrated and wanted to crumple it up. About that time Caitlyn offered him a, “Noah you are doing a great job,” and he kept going. Another time Caitlyn became weary of coloring in ALL the spots (giraffes have lots of spots, you know) and she wanted to give up and Noah said, “Caitlyn that looks REALLY good, you’re doing such a good job”. What a proud moment as the mother of these two blessings. Now, don’t get me wrong, they have their moments of bickering; but OH the joy I felt today witnessing this loving exchange between the two of them. I mean any peer could have offered the same encouragement to them; but for it to have come from his/her sibling…priceless. Just to know that my kids and I are given these opportunities daily to learn and to love one another makes me feel so blessed by the whole homeschooling process.

Come back Shane, Come back...

Today I’ve felt like the little boy crying for Shane to come back. (Is there anyone besides my dad who knows what I’m talking about?) I’ve been without my internet ALL DAY LONG, and boy has it been a LONG day. I couldn’t even check email. (Oh, the horror!) I’m counting down the minutes until Chris can come home to fix the problem. I may not even be able to have it fixed before after we go to Awana. It did get me to thinking, though. How dependent I have become on my technology! Last week while I was at TKD with Noah, the internet on my iPhone wasn’t working properly (and why doesn’t spell check recognize the word iPhone, the NERVE) and I was so irritated because I wanted to look up a phone number while I was sitting there. I had to occupy myself with a BOOK! Maybe it’s time that I gave up my computer time during the school day. I mean even though I limit myself to the computer ONLY at break times, maybe I could be using that time better. Maybe I could be enjoying a good read myself. Maybe I could use that time for dishes, um, no forget that one. Maybe I could use that time to spend time in prayer about my priorities, about my kids, about my marriage, about school, about well, just about anything. I think I’ll think on this a little more and have a chat with God about it.

Noah's giraffe...

Caitlyn's giraffe...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summer in review...

Here are some highlights of our past year. Noah has advanced in Tae Kwon Do to a green belt. He is learning at Lumampao Martial Arts in Corpus Christi. He loves the instructor and is having a blast. Noah also earned his sparky plaque. He worked so hard all three years of Sparks to ear it. In three years he memorized over 160 Bible verses. Caitlyn took dance last year with Tippi Toes Dance. She loved her dance class and did very well with her first dance recital. She earned her Cubbie Bear pin for her first successful year in Cubbies. Aiden progressed by leaps and bounds this summer. He learned to walk, then trot, now he's at a full out run! He is growing and developing so fast, it makes my head spin! He also learned new words like: Wowah (Noah), Dog-dog, ball-ball . So the kiddos are doing well and so are the parents. I'm loving being able to stay home with the kids and Chris is doing well at work. He found out in August that he will be promoted to Lt. Commander sometime next year! Yea! My next post will be recapping the first day of school! Stay tuned...After these messages, we'll be right back!