Here are some highlights of our past year. Noah has advanced in Tae Kwon Do to a green belt. He is learning at Lumampao Martial Arts in Corpus Christi. He loves the instructor and is having a blast. Noah also earned his sparky plaque. He worked so hard all three years of Sparks to ear it. In three years he memorized over 160 Bible verses. Caitlyn took dance last year with Tippi Toes Dance. She loved her dance class and did very well with her first dance recital. She earned her Cubbie Bear pin for her first successful year in Cubbies. Aiden progressed by leaps and bounds this summer. He learned to walk, then trot, now he's at a full out run! He is growing and developing so fast, it makes my head spin! He also learned new words like: Wowah (Noah), Dog-dog, ball-ball . So the kiddos are doing well and so are the parents. I'm loving being able to stay home with the kids and Chris is doing well at work. He found out in August that he will be promoted to Lt. Commander sometime next year! Yea! My next post will be recapping the first day of school! Stay tuned...After these messages, we'll be right back!
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