Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thank you, Geico...

Watch and laugh...

I just wanted to give a shout out of thanks to Geico for their latest commercial. (See above.)  My kids laugh hysterically at this commercial EVERY time it comes on.  Their favorite scene is the end one with the boy and the cereal.  In fact, they love it so much, we have been creating our own scenerios with the same premise. 

My current favorites are:
 -Morgan (our dog) begins to go to the bathroom on the floor of the living room and in scoots DM and slaps him away saying, "Not in my house."
-It is Aiden's birthday and all the kids are lined up waiting for their turn to hit the pinata and in scoots DM and slaps the pinata down scattering all the candy.  Kids are stunned for a moment and then proceed to grab candy.

We have come up with tons of follow-up commercials if anyone at Geico is interested:)

Just love laughing with my kiddos.  Makes me realize why I love hanging out with them so much.  Any tension is always forgotten with the slap of a hand (DM, not mine, ha ha).