Saturday, June 26, 2010

Modesty...a must!

The last morning of VBS I was getting dressed and Caitlyn came in while I was examining my progress in the mirror. I had gotten so far as my shirt and realized that I would not be able to dance and jive on stage with the blouse I had chosen, so I removed it and was searching for another in my closet. Caitlyn had come in to tell me that she really liked the first blouse and asked why I was changing. I was busy explaining the shirt dilemma and she interrupted me to say, "But, you ARE going to wear pants, right Mommy?"
Thank you, Lord for letting me plant the seeds of modest dressing into my little girlie's heart, but did she REALLY think I would NOT wear pants, ha ha ha. That was a good morning laugh! Thanks, Caitlyn!

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